If you own one or more of the following; a home, vehicle, family keepsake, financial account (401k, 403b, Annuity, Pension, etc.), how should they be held while your living (who or what should own them) and how should they be passed to your family when you die.
Trusts – Do You Need One…..and what are they???
All trusts are used to save your family time, money and aggravation. They’re a tool to streamline the passing of assets upon your death.
When Should You Refuse a Breathalyzer? It depends on your expected BAC.
Most drivers in NY don’t realize that refusing to take a breathalyzer or chemical test is an automatic 1-year license suspension, and worse yet, it can’t be converted to a “revoked” license that would allow them to at least drive to-and-from work and doctor’s visits.